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History of The White Hart

Harlington was listed in a Doomsday Book in 1086. Back then it was a village of 28 households, comprising of sixteen villagers, eight cottagers, two smallholders, a priest,
and a slave.

In 1801 the population of Harlington was 363. The brickworks of the mid-19thcentury were responsible for an increase to around 650 in 1831 and to 1150 in 1861. By the end of the 19thcentury, the population was nearly 1700. Until the 19thcentury Harlington was an agricultural community with the arable cultivation in open fields. In the mid-19' century, it was known for brick-digging and gravel-working hence Brickfield Lane. By the end of the century the village was famous for growing fruit. Market gardens and cherry orchards abounded — particularly around Cherry Lane.

The White Hart became a popular pub name in medieval times, coinciding with the beginning of Richard II's reign in 1377, it was the monarch's heraldic symbol, and he ensured all members of his household wore the device. It was a sound move on the part of tavern keepers to show their allegiance by displaying it. The oldest part of the present pub was built in 1810, as an old wall plaque confirms.

An extension to the right end with a timbered gable was added in the 1920s. A further similar extension was added in the 1970s. The pub car park used to be an orchard. The story goes that, early in the last century, a member of pub staff by name of Annie sadly fell to her death down the cellar stairs. Her ghost is said to haunt the pub to this day.